Little Knitted Ghost Friend

US 3. Worsted. Simply soft, white.
SK2P: slip one, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over

Body, Knitted bottom-up:
Cast on 40
Join, use criss-crossed join.
1. Knit
2. [M1, K3, SK2P, K3, M1, K1] M1, K1, K2tog
3. Knit
4-5 repeat 2 and 3
6. Knit
7. [M1, K3, SK2P, K3, M1, K1] M1, SK2P
8. Knit
9. K5, K2tog, [K10, K2tog] K6, K2tog (35 sts)
10. K5, K2tog,[K9,K2tog] K4, K2tog (31 sts),
11. Knit
12. K4,SK2P, [K7, SK2P] K2, K2tog (24 sts),
13-20. Knit
Thread same color yarn scrap through stitches on the needle. Leave the tail of either end on the inside, the purl side, if the knit. This will create the neck after stuffing the head.
1-8. Knit
9. [K2tog, K2] (18 sts)
10-11. Knit
12. [K2tog, K1] (12 sts)
13. Knit
14. [K2tog] (6 sts)
15. Knit
Cut. Thread yarn through remaining stitches on needle. Pull tight. Secure.
Stuff head. Pull neck string right and tie, inside.
French not eyes and use sewing thread for mouth. I pulled one ply from a scrap piece of the 4 ply yarn I used for the eyes.
4 stitch i-cord for 7 rows, for arms.


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